Stu wrote:
>> Did you ever serve in the military?
No I didn't. Unfortunately in 1984, I was declared "4F" (I think it's called) when I was enlisting in the Air Force due to a seizure disorder (encephalitis) I was afflicted with during my senior year in High School, 1979-1980.
>> In order for morale to remain high the troops need to know two things: 1) That the cause is just and 2) That they have the support of their country in achieving that cause.
I am afraid I don't believe that the cause is just. Where are the WMDs?? Why don't we go after other brutal dictators such as Kim Jong-Il of North Korea??? He is every bit as atrocious as Saddam and has nuclear capabilities to boot. It's because we can't easily whip North Korea but Iraq appeared to be a easy knockout. If it is a just cause, why aren't there more countries supporting it like they supported the Gulf War for instance??
But please know that all of the troops, in harms way or not, have my support though. I don't necessarily support the decisions the decision makers in Washington DC have made though.
>> Folks like you that criticize the cause for which they fight and then make a statement such as this really tick me off.
Well last time I checked this was a free country and we have freedom of thought and speech. Perhaps a fascist country would be more to your liking where peoples opinions are brutaly suppressed???
>> The only way you can support our troops and their families (of which I am one) is to support the effort that is trying to be achieved.
First of all, I would like to thank you for your service to our country.
Second of all, I live in a community adjacent to a military installation in Kansas. Numerous neighbors, fellow church members, etc. are military and have been deployed or are deployed right now. While they are deployed, I and others support them by helping fix things around their houses, lighting pilot lights on furnaces, watching their kids, etc. BTW, several of these military folks have similar views as I do but they still can do the jobs they were trained to do.
>> Once all of our fine young men and women are home, there will be plenty of time for historical analysis of the war effort. Until then, keep your comments that suggest that those making the ultimate sacrifice are doing so in vain to yourself.
After how many more servicemen and women are killed??? Actually, this has been going on long enough to analyze. Again, this is America, I am entitled to my opinion
>> You do not represent the opinions of the troops in theatre nor that of their families. Your attempt to cover yourself with "God bless our troops" does not make your original comment any less painful to those who have more than a liberal passive interest at stake.
Actually I think you meant to say "I don't represent your opinions". How do you know what everyone in the military thinks??? I'll bet the are quite a few servicemen and women wondering "what the heck are we doing".
We will just have to agree to disagree I guess.
Happy chipping!