>>>Just because he believes the war is wrong, as many of us do
I don't give a damn what you believe once our troops are in theatre. Those kids have the right to expect and to receive the full support of our nation for their efforts in acheiving the mission for which they were sent.
>>>But then maybe you think we achieved something in Vietnam.
I would hope that if nothing else, we would have acheived the knowledge that the attitude of the nation has a direct effect on those in harm's way.
You are correct in that you have a right in America to stand up and say whatever you like. You can even be just like Mr. Kerry and go on national television and openly accuse those still serving of criminal acts.
Being such a free speech advocate, you certainly realize that I also have the right to say that I think you are wrong and that you should lose the liberal baggage you are carrying around and send a strong message to our troops AND THEIR ENEMIES that you believe in the final resolve.
Do you even realize that ANY anti war and/or occupation statements actually lend moral support to the Iraqi insurgents who are cutting off heads in an effort to get us to leave?
What is wrong with you people?