Several folks have asked how things are doing in Carson City with the fire. I live on the far East end of town, and the fire is on the far West side of the residential area of town 3 - 6 miles away. Carson City extends to the center of Lake Tahoe and the fire is headed to Tahoe.
We thought for 18 hours or two that two friends lost their houses in the fire, but after the smoke cleared, we learned that everything was all right with them. Unfortunately, other homes and most of the pine trees in their neighborhood did not make it. The biggest impact right now is the heavy, thick smoke in the air. We would expect that the damage to the buildings is over, but the forest will continue to take a beating for the next week of so.
The very good news is that many people in town had the same insiration that I did to go do something for someone else, and the number of voluteers far exceeded the demand!