phone book.
Mona Dietrich 3364 Neil Road
Mona's Rendezvous bar (yes, that's how it's in the book...w/o caps on "bar" and a couple of extra spaces after Rendezvous) 1046 B (S)
Mona's Rendezvous is listed in the yellow pages under "Cocktail Lounges", it's not listed under "clubs", it's not listed under "liquor stores", there's no heading for "casinos".
In the 1957 phone book, she's listed as:
Dietrich, Mona Mrs. 13WPlaza FA2-2210
In 1956:
Dietrich, Mona Mrs. 13WPlaza FA2-2210
In 1955:
Dietrich, Mona r 710 B Sparks 5-9998
hmmmm..."r"? as in residence? could that mean a business listing, too?
Red Feather Bar 710 B Sparks 5-9998 (Bar is part of the name on this one)
Red Feather Bar is listed in the yellow pages under "cocktail lounges", it's not listed under "clubs"
The books we have for 1950-1954 show the same as the 1955 book (well, the phone number was a digit shorter in some of them...)
We don't have books from 1950 to 1945
1945 lists:
Dietrich Mona T Parkway Beauty Salon 120 Sierra
(same Mona??)
Dietrich Mona r 231 Claremont....3492 ("r" as in residence)
There's no listing for the Red Feather, I looked under cocktail lounges to see if there was one listed at 231 Claremont...there wasn't.
Came up totally empty on the 49er in Tahoe, very few listings in our phone sold a LT phone book on ebay, and I forgot to bid
hope this helps with Mona....