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The Chip Board Archive 11

Well, my $1 RR arrived home BUT! sad mad

Yesterday, my $1 round robin was finally returned to me after being sent to the first person in April and I am very upset about some of the chips that were in the package.

I don't know if people did upgrading of chips, which by the way was a no no, or if they actually had the nerve to put in chips that were in this sorry condition. Some of them had nicks in them, some were dirty, one had some kind of sticky stuff on it, there were ones with rounded edges, and one of them, from the President Casino in Biloxi, MS, I won't even bother keeping. Maybe I should though just as a remembrance of this particular round robin. The chip is dirty and worn and the inlay is filthy. Take a look at the picture I've provided. Unfortunately, there were a few more just like these. How many of you would like to have these little beauties in your collection?

This is the first time something like this has happened to me but I know it's happened to others. Will I have any other round robins? Maybe, maybe not. It's pretty discouraging to send out chips that are in fine condition and end up with chips that look like this.

People who pull these shenanigans are going to be responsible for there not being any more round robins. After all, why should someone take the chance on sending out good looking chips and then getting back some like these.


Messages In This Thread

Well, my $1 RR arrived home BUT! sad mad
Re: Well, my $1 RR arrived home BUT! sad mad
Re: Well, my $1 RR arrived home BUT! sad mad
Re: Well, my $1 RR arrived home BUT! sad mad
Re: Well, my $1 RR arrived home BUT! sad mad
very bad !
Re: very bad !
Possible Solution for future RRs
Re: Possible Solution for future RRs
Re: Possible Solution for future RRs
Re: Possible Solution for future RRs
I tried that, but
Re: Possible Solution for future RRs
Re: Possible Solution for future RRs
Re: Well, my $1 RR arrived home BUT! sad mad
Question / Possible Solution?
Re: Well, my $1 RR arrived home BUT! sad mad
I am not surprised
Re: A nice gesture Charles...
sad Not nice at all...
possibl;e solution.
Re: sad Not nice at all...
I'm sorry to hear to hear about your latest RR...
My Round Robin Rules
Let me try to help flush them out....
Re: Well, my $1 RR arrived home BUT! sad mad

Copyright 2022 David Spragg