For those of you that dont know, I've been working for Horseshoe Tunica for close to 7 years. Jack Binion was an amasing person to work for. The way he operates his casinos is simple and should be no secret. The guest is always right (within reason of course), high limits very few casinos dare to offer, and FOOD. Not just food but GREAT food. If you play, you eat. PERIOD. Doesnt matter if you play $5 a hand in black jack for as little as 30 minutes we buy your meal. Lets face it, it doesn't cost us much. Believe me when I say if the guest is happy, Jack ends up VERY happy.
So... as most of you know unless you've been under a rock for the last year, Harrah's bought Horseshoe. I have to say the understatement of the year is we've been a little skeptical. So far, so good. NOTHING has changed but possitive things, like transfer oppertunities. Harrah's even left our ENTIRE management team in place.
The thing that worries me is what happens if for some strange reason things dont work out with Harrah's and myself? I have no reason to believe it wont BUT.. What are my options? If the Ceasar's deal goes through Harrah's will have 5 of the 9 casinos in Tunica alone. Seems a little much to me. It sure does open up doors for me at this point though.