Until you can change the morals and values of a whole nation, the problem isn't going away.
It is true that guns don't kill, without someone pulling the trigger. People are responsible.
I'm sure you've heard it before, but if you ban guns, only the criminals will have guns. Free to use them against an unarmed public.
Accidental shootings, kids playing for example, are the fault of people who don't use safe practices and protection. You don't put poison on the shelf in the cupboard. Putting a gun, unlocked, where a kid can play with it, is asking for trouble. Once again, it's not the gun, it's the owner.
For anyone who watched Bowling for Colombine (even though much of it is biased drek) they take a trip across the river to Windsor Canada, where people have guns, hunt for food, and live with their doors unlocked. They aren't shooting each other on the streets. Yet in Detroit, only miles away, we are killing and robbing in one of the most crime ridden cities in the country.
It's a social problem more than anything else. This country was settled by the gun. In the West everyone wore a gun and many died in stupid arguments because of it. My Grandfather had a gun (lived in Gary Indiana), my Dad had a gun (lived in Chicago), neither one ever shot it, except at a target. I was raised shooting targets, I don't hunt, don't feel I have a need to carry or own some "hand cannon", but I do have a shotgun and a couple of 22s.
Training and safety are needed, instead of avoidance. Respect for a known danger should be taight. We have drivers Ed., swimming lessons, licenses for just about everything, but unless you are a convicted fellon, you can walk in to a sports shop and buy a 357 with no license or training.
Last of all, instead of banning "guns" (which isn't going to happen, just like prohibition didn't)
1) Enforce the laws we already have.
2) Educate people in gun safety.
3) License only trained people to own a gun.
The first and last issue is still going to be trying to change a whole way of thinking of a population of a country. Taking away guns, won't do anything without social and moral attitude changes.
Just because I don't feel the need to own a large handgun or high power rifle, doesn't mean I should tell others how they should live their lives. We have hundreds of thousands of guns in the country and only a small percentage are used to harm others or for crime.
ps I hate SUVs, they use too much gas, are dangerous to drive, block the vision of smaller cars (road hazard) and in an accident will cause more harm to other vehicles and people. I suggest we BAN ALL SUVs! SUVs kill more people than guns do, and they harm the enviroment as well as innocent people.