No one wants to see a child get hurt. Unfortunatly the society we live in is loosing it's values. How many people get killed every year in auto accidents? Should we ban cars? Blaming the gun is not the issue, the gun was sitting somewhere until someone decided to use it. Like i said earlier in this thread, what we need are more Prisons and fewer Plea Bargans. Let's change the law so if you commit a crime with a gun you go away for a long time and no parole period. Bring back the chain gangs and sledge hammers, let them work 10 hours a day in the sun. Make the criminal, a criminal, not a victim. Oh wait, we can't make them work on a chain gang, that might embarrass them and then we would be dealing with Crue And Unusual Punishment? God forbid we make our Prisoners out to be Criminals.