In regard to:
SO just because you have a gun will not always make you the winner.
The fact of the matter is that, flashing a gun around and looking like a fool that doesn't know what to do with it, will probably leave you in a puddle of blood and guts. Law enforcement people will tell you that you have to assess the situation and make an immediate decision if deadly force is necessary. That takes training and that is why law enforcement people spend alot of time learning about it. The average citizen needs similair training and usually doesn't get it. Armed people with no training are as dangerous as the criminal.
Let us all hope that we never need to use deadly force. But let us all do all we can to keep the privilege. Once that is gone, we will have lost one of the rights this country was founded on.
I am more concerned about drunk driving than I am about inappropriate use of a gun. In the area I am in many are killed because of impaired drivers. In Wyoming it is not illegal to eat urinal cakes to impress women(don't laugh)and drink to the point of oblivion. It is illegal to get into a vehicle with a BAC of .37 and go out and kill someone in a grinding wreck.
This country has many problems, but it is still the best place in the world to live. At this point you still have the right to arm yourself responsibily. Learn to use your weapon and never use it without knowing what you are doing. Keep it in a safe place, readily accesible, educate your children about it, and hopefully yourself.
Then, some night when you are laying in bed and hear some SCUMBAG rummaging around in your house, Remember your training and do what is necessary. Assess the situation...Is he pointing a gun at you? Does he have a knife? Does he have your 10 year old daughter by the throat and threatening to kill her. Material goods can be replaced...but can a daughter? What do you do? You, of course, do the right thing. Saddly enough these things happen. Just a hypothetical situation but these things do happen. If we don't have the right to bear arms I guess you take after him with a mop or a broom or something. Always dial 911, but it can take along time for law enforcement to get there.
I realize guns are distasteful to some folks but our right to possess them and defend our selves if necessary is a right that should be defended to the end. The NRA works very hard to that end.
As I said in the previous post, "There is nothing so futile as regret." Think about it.