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The Chip Board Archive 11

Re: (Very NCR) Contraversial Question.....

I have guns for hunting and a couple of handguns. When I was young I ‘collected’ pistols and had some assault type weapons. These were for investment and I have long since sold all but a few old guns I hunted with and two pistols. I have not ever fired one of the guns, or even put a shell in any of the others in over fifteen years.

I have never been in a situation or known anyone close to me that has ever gotten in a situation where they needed a gun. A friend of my brothers had a gun and was about to be robbed of his watch and some jewelry when he flashed his gun and was shot to death. They caught his killers, they panicked when they saw his gun and killed him as reflex. Otherwise I think he would be alive today and insurance bought him new jewelry IMO. SO just because you have a gun will not always make you the winner.

I think we are the #1 nation for gun deaths in the world. Children shoot children, road rage, employees go nuts and shoot up their workplace, and notice I haven’t even listed criminals yet. How many guns do we need, and what types? People are often asked why thy need assault rifles and the controversy begins. Do we need machine guns, explosive devices? Or is there a limit and what would it be? Kids killing kids is mostly an American tradition I think. The right-to-carry laws exist in Texas and I am not sure that there is much emphasis on the individuals’ ability to possess wisdom and discipline for use. I would think many of the ‘thugs’ have rights to carry weapons also.

If I were to need a gun, I would have to go to where they are kept, get a key, get bullets. Load the gun and come back. If I were able to do that then I would probably be able to run away from the trouble. If I kept them handy and loaded, my kids or their friends might be in danger. If I teach my kids good gun control can I feel safe? They don’t mind me at other times, so why would this be different? I look around my house and I have some pretty nice stuff, and stuff that cannot be replaced, I can’t find anything that I would die for. I was burglarized twice in my life, I wish the burglar would bring a truck next time because he got my OLD stuff and insurance bought me NEW stuff. I thought it was a good deal for me. I have some more old stuff for him! My family could leave and come back later after he’s finished loading everything up! If he wants to risk shacking up with ‘Bubba’ in the pen, then that’s his business.

I understand we have a right to bear arms and have a militia, but get real the military already has enough guns, missiles, tanks and aircraft they don’t need mine and if you think I am going against THEM with an old shotgun and a couple of pistols then I surrender NOW!

Are there nuts out there? Are ther idiots out there? Are there hot heads out there? Are there people out there that a gun would make them bullies? All of those people have a right to carry a gun too and to stupidly leave them laying around for kids to find.

How many reading this have ever personally used a gun in self protection?
I have gone 50 years not needing one, I am hoping I can go 30 more.

Messages In This Thread

(Very NCR) Contraversial Question.....
Re: (Very NCR) Contraversial Question.....
Re: (Very NCR) Contraversial Question.....
Re: (Very NCR) Contraversial Question.....
Re: I agree 100% with Mark!
Re: I agree 100% with Mark!
I gave up guns after one tour in Viet Nam.
I turned mine in: 9/18/63 ...
Re: (Very NCR) Contraversial Question.....
Re: (Very NCR) Contraversial Question.....
Re: (Very NCR) Controversial Question.....
Re: Let us not lose it!!!
Re: Let us not lose it!!!
So, I can put you down as OK with ..
Re: So, I can put you down as OK with ..
Well said Kerry....
Re: (Very NCR) Contraversial Question.....
I will Respond in the AM...
AND.... they usually STINK! LOL
Re: (Very NCR) Contraversial Question.....
Re: (Very NCR) Contraversial Question.....
Mark re-read the question...
Re: Mark re-read the question...
Guns don't kill people....
Re: rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
Re: Not so great OBSERVATION!!
As soon as I saw your caption...
Re: As soon as I saw your caption...
Chip Board- Palms Convention Photo
OMG !!!
Re: (Very NCR) Contraversial Question.....
I'm donating mine to the church!
Don't Do It Mike!
Thanks to ALL for your thoughts

Copyright 2022 David Spragg