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The Chip Board Archive 11


Many people have guns and drink too much Sake..No, not really, I have no idea.

Maybe got charged $12.00 to ship chip?

I am a NRA member so my opinion may be slewed a bit. I do not hunt any more. I would rather look at the wildlife.

Sad state of affairs in this country in regard to murders. 10 year old Punks blowing away people. Tough stance to defend. However, if we loose our right to bear arms, we have lost it all. Just one man's opinion.

If it weren't for the NRA Gun Control and Elimination would have happened along time ago. The powers that be want the populus unarmed. I carry and am licensed to carry my handgun of choice when I travel. I have never had to use it but came close once.

We stupidly stopped at a rest area in Eastern Minnesota on I-90 at about 3 AM (Don't ever do that anywhere.) My wife at the time got accosted in the women's bathroom. I heard her yelling and grabbed my gun and headed in there while at the same time dialing 911 on cell phone. Here was this guy obviously ripped on methamphetamine trying to shake her down for cash. He had a knife and was threatening to use it.

I tried to be calm but told him if he even came close to her with that knife I was going to blow him into the next century. And I would have. It didn't come to that. He threw the knife down about the time the Highway Patrol and Sheriffs got there. Then you have to deal with those guys.Took my gun away and loaded me in police car. Had to answer a million questions. Finally gave my gun back and told me, "If you are ever in a situation like this again, dial 911, and we will take care of it.

Point being is that in these unpopulated areas it takes quite awhile before someone shows up. You have to have a dispatcher get Junior out of bed and dressed and headed that way. Most of these areas do not have 24 hour patrols. It is not the officers faults, they are under staffed and under budgeted.

It would have been very sad if I had to watch my wife and probably me get carved up trying to defend her from this monster. Having a Browning 9mm in hand was a good bargaining point and also would have made mince meat of the puke.

This is a volatile topic for discussion.I don't expect all to agree with me. But, if you are ever in a similair situation and have to watch a loved one give up the ghost at the hand of a demented madman...Remember, "There is nothing so futile as regret." You could have been legally armed and prevented it. These things do happen.

I am a total advocate of the populace being armed if they wish to be. I also believe that extensive training should be required. It should be a part of licensing to carry a hand gun. Most states it is not. Of course,long guns require no license. I suppose if nothing else a 10 Guage with Double 00 Buck shot would do the job.

Let the barrage start...everyone is entitled to their opinion. This is just mine.


Messages In This Thread

(Very NCR) Contraversial Question.....
Re: (Very NCR) Contraversial Question.....
Re: (Very NCR) Contraversial Question.....
Re: (Very NCR) Contraversial Question.....
Re: I agree 100% with Mark!
Re: I agree 100% with Mark!
I gave up guns after one tour in Viet Nam.
I turned mine in: 9/18/63 ...
Re: (Very NCR) Contraversial Question.....
Re: (Very NCR) Contraversial Question.....
Re: (Very NCR) Controversial Question.....
Re: Let us not lose it!!!
Re: Let us not lose it!!!
So, I can put you down as OK with ..
Re: So, I can put you down as OK with ..
Well said Kerry....
Re: (Very NCR) Contraversial Question.....
I will Respond in the AM...
AND.... they usually STINK! LOL
Re: (Very NCR) Contraversial Question.....
Re: (Very NCR) Contraversial Question.....
Mark re-read the question...
Re: Mark re-read the question...
Guns don't kill people....
Re: rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
Re: Not so great OBSERVATION!!
As soon as I saw your caption...
Re: As soon as I saw your caption...
Chip Board- Palms Convention Photo
OMG !!!
Re: (Very NCR) Contraversial Question.....
I'm donating mine to the church!
Don't Do It Mike!
Thanks to ALL for your thoughts

Copyright 2022 David Spragg