I don't recall this web site ever being mentioned on this BB. I have nothing to do with it; I just learned about it. Very interesting. Take a look. They give estimated values for the props, and then you make an offer. They say only 50 total of the "real" prop chips are around (!?!?), and they value them in the $1000's each chip. Here is the site. Scroll down the page:
Interesting the way they show the prop for sale next to the scene from the movie where the prop appears.
They say the License to Kill Isthmus City chips we are so familiar with (the ones Paulson sold as poker chips) are junk. They show them (6 of them) and say they are worth $9 for the six chips. True.
But their chips (hat and cane chips, too) look like the ones I have noticed in the opening credits of License to Kill, especially the hub inlay "10" chip they show (prop. 282). Pictured below (from their site), I show both the chip they have for sale and the shot from the opening credits! (In the credits shot, notice the names of some of the stars and a famous black silhouette of a naked Bond girl dancer.)
Pictured below is a closeup of the $1899 estimated value chip (!!!) and the scene from the credits: