This is the conclusion I had come to long ago but forgot to raise the question. Its a combination of your 2 possibilities based on the following.
Casino opens with two tables in 1995. In 1996 a third table is added and all chips are changed. In 1999 (expansion) two more tables/chips are added.
Which means:
1995: 7 colors - Roulette #1 Blk w/Gold Flame
1995: 7 colors - roulette #2 Blk w/Gold Flame
1996: 7 colors - Blk w/Gold Flame - SHOULD BE DELETED FROM TCR
1996: 7 colors - Blk w/Silver Flame - SHOULD BE DELETED FROM TCR
1999: 7 colors - blk w/Gold Flame - SHOULD READ 1996
1999: 7 colors - blk w/Silver Flame - SHOULD READ 1996
1999: 7 colors - OrngYel Flame
1999: 7 colors - PurpWhite Flame
1996: 7 colors - Silv w/Silver Flame
2000: 7 colors - blk w/Orng Flame
2000: 7 colors - blk w/Silv Flame
2000: 7 colors - OrngYel Flame
2000: 7 colors - PinkWhite Flame
2000: 7 colors - Silv w/Silver Flame