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The Chip Board Archive 11

WOW Andy.... Those are really NICE...

... and from the scans they look like they just cam off the press! I think the old large notes were some of the prettiest of our notes. I have always liked the woodchopper and your $5 Indian that looks like Robin Williams. grin Can't wait to see more!

Messages In This Thread

A few Bucks for Fred Lamb.......
A peach seed.. huh? vbg
vbg I thought I Wuz The only One Up
Here is a bill for you Mike
THose were considered UNLUCKY
Hey Mike! grin Here is...
Here is one more!
Here is a great $5 Horse Blanket!
WOW Andy.... Those are really NICE...
Note about Andy's Notes.....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg