Jusr spent 7 hrs at Denios Flea Market in Roseville, CA not to mention the 3 hrs. on the road. And what did I find , NUTTIN of any interest. A few Trays that were overpriced and damaged. Decks of cards from still current Casinos that were cut or cornered also over priced. I did find a box of James Bond Ismus De Panama chips in mint condition
I asked the price and almost had another heart attack
The guy said they were VERY RARE
He wanted $750 for the box of 100 $100 chips. When I gave him my Biz card with my Club number on it he kinda turned Grey and had to "RUSH" off to talk to another customer
I also noticed that several vendors were selling "SPECIAL" Holdem Chip Sets. Now how do you tell the difference between a Draw Poker Set and a Holdem Set?
I'm going to bed, I'll answer my email in the morning I'm POOPED
Hava Good One, Richard