I, like everyone else wouldn't want a nuclear waste site in my back yard however the question is whose back yard do we put it in?
France from what I hear gets the majority of their electricity from atomic energy. Where do they send their spent fuel rods and other waste?
Here we are in the midst of a war and we talk about pursuing alternative forms of energy so we may free ourselves from being reliant on mid east oil, however when the time comes to do something about it, all we do is pass legislation to prevent its progress.
In the New York area after spending hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars to develop a nuclear energy site [ Shoreham ] we only get to see it dismantled without it ever being put in service. In the same breath we complain about high energy costs.
Hey, you just can't have your cake and eat it too.
Same seems to hold true about refineries. My understanding is that they are presently working at 98-99% of capacity and it isn't enough.
You then read that there are significantly less refineries now than there were 30 years ago.
Let's figure out what is wrong with this picture.