"... that your story reveals more about your personal ethics than it does the tax code."
I'm inclined to disagree with you Jim.
About 12 years ago, I had a chance to have a casual but lengthy conversation with a revenue agent who was responsible for the "dirty work" as part of his everyday job. He had no problem seizing someone's home and putting the occupants out on the street. (That doesn't happen to be a job that I could do.) But, he also told me that he (fully implying this statement was representative of everyone he worked with and for) wanted every taxpayer to keep every cent of the money they legally earned or acquired according to the tax code. He didn't, nor do I, see anything unethical about wanting to keep as much of your own money as you can as long as you follow the letter of the law.
....I don't know if the top bracket in the UK is still over 90%, but that isn't paying taxes, that is wealth confiscation.
Are you gonna be in Reno for Jim Munding's show? If so, the first cold one is on me.