Well first off let me address the Tyson Chips thing. Yes 25 chips where made and they where held for dealers .
Again Terry and Keving where in charge of those and the 70yrs of gambling chips.
The reason they gave you my name at the cage. About a week after the Tyson chips came out I made a deal with Kevin to help him out in creating some casino chips and we told all the cage people if anybody wants to be on the list and have some chips helf for them to give me a call and we will be more than happy to accomidate them. They 70 yrs of gambling came out a little later but its something they have been working on for awhile before i got there. Oh and know I recall that Kevin and Terry also did that NCV set that was sold for $100 I believe and all the money was donated too a Charity fund for 9/11 .
Now on your monster Truck chip. I guess I am getting old because I can't recall the whole deal. But I just checked my records the last 15 mins trying to find the original Pro Formas and Artwork files. And everything I have here shows we did only 1 $25 chip and that was crave digger.
Here is one of the last emails I send to Chipco before the chips where made :
On one side place a truck and on the other side place the logo.
Also date the chips March 22nd .
Please do
750 $2.50 x 5
750 $5 x5
500 $25 chips And on the $25 chip place the Grave Digger Logo.
Since You got the pics it should be easy.
Hopefully we can get the artwork this week.
So if you have a $25 Chip with Blue Thunder this might be a error chip. I would post a message on the chipboard asking if anybody else has one.