I'm sure it varies state to state. Here in Ohio, I turn in .25 percent less then the actual sales tax rate. I usually do high end summer arts festivals and gallery sales. I've taken a year off so that I can get caught up on some home stuff. The just raised the tax rate here a little while ago, but, the Ohio sales tax rate in Lucas County was 6 3/4 percent. I charged 6 3/4 percent as required, however, I am only required to sumit 6 1/5 percent to the government. The remaining 1/4 percent was for me to keep as a small (very small) perk for doing the collecting and book keeping for them.
I don't know how many states are this way, some or all. My only experience is with Ohio. I would certainly double check on this in your state. Perhaps its there and you just arent aware?