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The Chip Board Archive 11

rofl rofl rofl But do they win better?

Now you know where the flying part of UFC comes from. rofl rofl rofl

Messages In This Thread

Solution for cleaning chips
Re: Solution for cleaning chips
I guess the casinos aren't looking to...
Gene Is this the machine u use to find chips in
Re: Gene Is this the machine u use to find chips i
The chips Play better than new after cleaning?
rofl rofl rofl But do they win better?
Re: The chips Play better than new after cleaning?
Best solution Ive come across
That's similar to what I do now...
vbg Debby You Have Opened The Can AGAIN vbg
*rolf* Close it quick before something gets out!
*rolf*? *rolf*?? *rolf*??? - must be Coco rofl
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
Some One Using My Dog's Name in Vain? .... grin
*rolf*? *rolf*?? *rolf*???
Re: *rolf*? *rolf*?? *rolf*???

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