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The Chip Board Archive 11

Wanna Bet? vbg
In Response To: Sorry no chips but... ()

Looks like lots of fun and a great deal! Wish they had that out here on the left coast. Are you sure about folks not being able to take any of these nice new chips home with them? I have confidence in some of the collectors that will be visiting the Trump Marina. Isn't that deal about not taking chips home with you from tournaments and roulette games kind of a standard rule at most casinos? Of course noone here would ever break any rules. I don't recall ever personally harvesting a single tournament chip.. yet somehow they end up in my collection. I can offer no verisimilitudenous explanation for this phenomenon. Maybe we should have a contest.. the winner could be the person to guess either the total number or total face value of the chips that accidently fall into people's pockets the first weekend. Or maybe the winner could just be the first person to post a scan of these new chips on the board here. I suspect you are going to come up a few chips short on Sunday.. but they are going to good homes.

Messages In This Thread

Sorry no chips but...
Wanna Bet? vbg
Re: "verisimilitudenous"
Shhh.. I was trying to slip that one by...
Re: I'll try to be...
I had to look that one up rofl

Copyright 2022 David Spragg