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The Chip Board Archive 11

One Question there Johnny, or Johnni, However you

choose to spell it today. Who the heck are you? Why post under a false name and speak in broken English. You dont think anyone here believes for a minute that you are really in China do you?

Here is my problem, and most of the board will back me up on this one.
1) You have never made a post on this board before yesterday
2) So far everyone of your posts or as Bob points out "Poats" has called Pete a crook and a lier.
3) Not one of your "Poats" have a single shread of substantiated facts to back up your name calling.

Now if Pete has really done you wrong, back it up with some facts. Otherwise what you are doing is just plain libelous and illegal in this country.

If you can't state facts to back up your story then please stop these ridiculous posts and get on with your life.

Messages In This Thread

One Question there Johnny, or Johnni, However you
Darn Johnnys Poat was Deleted
Re: Darn Johnnys Poat was Deleted
Yes, but only one of us owns a coveted set
Johnni's "POATS" is still there!! vbg
Steve, I believe Men was referring

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