How can there be value lost in a fixed chip if you can't tell the difference between an authentic uncancelled one? Do you want to bring the value of an authentic chip down to the level of a cancelled one? We did not? You are missing our main point. Whalen is too good. The MOD chip is hypothetical. You don't know if it has been fixed or is genuine? We DO KNOW that Whelan and his ilk may destroy our hobby. We are trying to make collectors think twice before repairing chips. We are saying, "If you alter our chips, we are not going to let you make ten times what they are worth." You keep returning to our rewarding them by not losing anything on the repair. Face it, they are not fixing chips to break even or to make $25 or $50. They are doing it to make hundreds or thousands. Someone on this board sent me an Email last week showing 3 different $100 chips, undrilled, asking why we didn't list them in the undrilled state, only CAN & MOD? My answer is that we have never seen one undrilled. We believe that his 3 chips have been altered. We still think that our actions will make collectors aware of what is happening with our hobby and will make them be more careful before spending a lot of money on chips which have had a cancelled history. There is more than one way to skin a cat or a greedy chip fixer. This is how we chose to convey it. No matter how you think the matter should have been handled, most of us really agree that the fixers are wearing the black hats and must be stopped.