... who kill Americans?
Better start with the city of Chicago. In 2003, 599 people, mostly Americans, were slaughtered in Chicago. Many of them were executed after having been taken hostage by local thugs (sound familiar?).
New York would be next (596 of our fellow citizens and foreign visitors were murdered there in 2003).
Then we could move on to Los Angeles, where 505 people were killed in 2003. In fact, an LA screenwriter was beheaded and his neighbor stabbed to death on June 15th of this year, just three days before the beheading of Paul Johnson in Iraq.
How far down the list do we want to go? Detroit 361, Philadelphia 347, Houston 276 ... Washington DC 247 (the highest murder rate of any national capital in the world) ... San Francisco 71 ... Atlantic City 17 ...
... or should we stop just before we get to the city in which you live?
----- jim o\-S