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The Chip Board Archive 11

Humm it again... I think I know it.
In Response To: Re: Poole.... ()

.. I am in my second (or third) childhood. I love being in a position where I can do my own thing. I used to have to be 'Professional' (whatever that is) in everything I did. NO MORE, I'm free to act like I want, wear what I want, and do what I want. So, I set my goals to be like my dog, eat, sleep, %#$*&, and always be happy!

I am retired and am living on borrowed time, so why be anything but happy and having fun! Most of us find ourselves wound too tight in our professional lives, it's only when we retire we find where real priorities are. So, unfortunately, you are stuck with me. hahahahaha My wife will make you a good deal though..

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vbg NEW vbg 30 Minute Contest grin
Close, but that's not it! Try again.
Whoa!! WE have a WINNER!!
THINK... What is your name and address,,, LOUDLY
Re: Poole....
Humm it again... I think I know it.
Re: Humm it again... I think I know it.
I Don't Blame Ya Mikey vbg

Copyright 2022 David Spragg