Okay......I've cleaned out part of the safe, emptied a few boxes and dumped out some drawers and came up with 200 "TRASHY" chips.
Here's what i'm going to do.
I've split these 200 chips up into groups of 50 chips each. Three of these groups i'm going to offer to the "FIRST THREE" people who join the . After you've joined, come back here and post your
number and your first and last name. Then, either post or email me your address and i'll send you your 50 chips.
You may want to join quickly to be assured of getting your 50 chips. You can join on line here:
For the fourth group of 50 chips i'll be looking for "Mr.DAVID SPRAGG !!!!" Calling Mr. Spragg.
In a thread below, David wrote......"I will pay you the postage + 1 cent and donate $1 for each chip to the Building Fund."
David, i'm going to let you off the hook for the postage and the 1 cent. All you have to do is donate $50.00 to the BUILDING FUND after receiving your 50 chips that i'll be sending out Mon. morning. (Send me your address, please.) Thank you for your generous offer. I/we appreciate it.
Below is a sampling of one of the four groups of 50 chips. All groups are simular but, not identical. Also, rest assured, the scan makes these chips look much better than they really are. Although you won't find any "Z" chips here, there may be a couple worthy of a spot in your collection.
"JOIN NOW" !!!!!!!!!!!!!