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The Chip Board Archive 11

Re: It's been kind of warm
In Response To: It's been kind of warm ()

Denios it is vbg We go over the hill three or four times every summer to fry our brains vbg and find a few bargins vbg Plus it's the only place we can find "OUR" type of Olive. Really "HOT & SPICEY" Plus it's a good excuse to take one of the Hot Rod Lincolns out for a long cruise.
Hava Good One,

Messages In This Thread

Hey Will?
grin What a beautiful paperweight...
Re: grin What a beautiful paperweight...
Re: grin What a beautiful paperweight...
Yes! Good point! grin
vbg What's The Weather Like In-------
It's been kind of warm
Re: It's been kind of warm
It's 91° in Rocklin
Re: It's 91° in Rocklin
Okay, that's it....
vbg You Would Think-------------

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