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The Chip Board Archive 11

Observation #2 The Death of Common Courtesy

I have been a member of this club for many years. I can recall when members treated each other with the highest degree of respect. One would never dream of putting another member down for a personal opinion. No one would dare take anothers property without asking permission.

We would never attack another member for his or her mistake. We would, as individuals, make every effort to help and teach those who may be less informed about a certain subject or aspect of our hobby.

Patience was an exercised virtue by all of us. There was a form of comradery that I could never express in words that exsisted among those who belonged to this hobby.A certain type of love that set us apart from the profit. We gave with a zero expectation of return. We cared about each other and looked out for one another.

We didn't need a "claim director" to settle disputes. If someone was unhappy with a transaction or trade we refunded their money or gave them back their trade item without question. Why? because we respected each other as well as respecting ourselves.

I'm afraid those days are gone. Instead of filling this board up with chip stories and articles I find it filled up with "trash". Crap that we (The old timers) find unecessary and meaningless.

We have posts about postage gouging, ebay notifications of chip sales; auctions ending in an hour; sniping tactics; write-ups about how big a fool someone on ebay was because they didn't know how valuable a chip was;etc., etc. I am sure you all get the idea. Now please don't misunderstand, I believe anyone can post whatever they want too. However, what I am saying is the "quality" of what is being posted is a sad reflection of where we are at and where we are going.

Our kindness was not measured by how many positive feedbacks were received on ebay. It was measured by the reputation that was built among the collecting fraternity of the type of person we are. We respected each other and respected ourselves.

This didn't mean we didn't disagree; all of us have disagreed with something on this board at one time or another. It just appeared different. When we disagreed we disagreed with the concept or opinion not with the very fabric of the person.

Let me give some minor examples that will establish what I am talking about in respecting others. I can remember back when one of our club members I believe it was Terry Shaffer got very upset over something about nazi chips. I forget all the circumstances but Terry appeared to be personally offended and hurt. I silently agreed with Terry and felt he was entitled to his feelings and it was wrong what that person did.

Yet Terry didn't seem to care about MY feelings and any others on the board when he displayed pictures of Catholic Nuns that I considered offensive. I didn't say anything because I knew Terry didn't mean anything by it. Its just him. The point I am trying to make is maybe Terry as well as all of us should think about how our actions are viewed by others.

Another minor example; Mike Poole took the pictures I have been taking over the years and posted them up on his server. Mike didn't ask me if it was O.K. to use them. He just took them. Everyone on this board knows I gave Andy Hughes exclusive use of the pictures I take to place on his web site. Now people place yourself in my position. Let's assume Mike did ask to post my pictures and I said no. Guess who looks like an
as..... Also lets assume I sent Mike an email and ask him to take my pictures down. He does....
again I look like an as.... You see Mike put me in a no win situation. Mike meant well. He was not trying to create a problem; he was trying to do something nice for everyone. Yet, he had no right to take my pictures without asking.(Mike please don't take the photos down)

These are but just two minor examples of why I believe just plain old common courtesy among all of us is dying.I could list more examples and ones far more serious than the minor two I have listed. Do I really have too????
Best, Mr."P"

Messages In This Thread

Observation #2 The Death of Common Courtesy
Re: Observation #2 The Death of Common Courtesy
Good Post, Jim

Copyright 2022 David Spragg