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The Chip Board Archive 11


To All,
Years ago, probably more years than I wish to recall vbg I wrote a few articles involving "our" club. I called these short write-ups "Observations". As I wrote them I posted them publicly on the old Prodigy bulletin board.

From what I can recall the articles created quite a stir with the than club board of directors as well as various committee chairman. Many of them were on line but some did not even have a computor. The articles were copied and sent to those individuals who were not on-line.

I meant no harm. I was a "new" collector and wanted to share what I believed to be correctable "problems" within the organization with what I believed to be valid solutions to those problems.

Needless to say I was met with much hostility until the debates deteriorated to personal attacks upon my motivations. I was accused of being a "muckraker". It was stated publicly I must have a hidden agenda. I was accused of laying groundwork to run for club office. I could go on and on but I believe all of you understand what I am saying.

At that time there was no way of establishing my sincerity for just caring. At times it became very frustrating and I felt like throwing in the towel and telling all of them to get "bent".

However, I did not give up. I kept on until I managed to secure for our organization various changes I considered necessary that are still currently in place. The price I paid was "high".

For a long time maybe years I was looked upon as a "trouble maker". One who does not have good intentions when it comes to our organization. As time passed it became clear to most intelligent observers the "things" I was being accused of were simply not true. I began to develop a small following of members who respected me and my opinions when it came to our organization.

I began to write articles about chips and chip collecting. I did vast amounts of research and shared my findings with everyone who cared to read what I wrote. Often the sources of my information requested to remain anonymous. If I would have revealed who they were I no longer would have had the access to information others only wished they knew.

Back a few years ago it was reported to me a box of $5.00 AC Brighton chips had surfaced.I didn't collect AC chips so I thought I would pass on what I had learned to others. I innocently reported the information on the Prodigy board just wanting to share what I was told with those who would be interested. In addition, I had seen the chips and was satisfied what I was stating was true.

Never in my wildest dreams did I expect the verbal beating I took for reporting what I was told and what I had seen. Certain individuals came after me inferring I was lying, I was mistaken, this couldn't be, etc. Finally, one individual demanded I post WHO had the chips or quit posting rumors.

Needless to say I was worked up to a fever pitch. I took after one individual and called him everything but late for dinner. grin It totally destroyed any relationship that could have developed between two collectors who loved the hobby. Till this day we speak but I'm sure all has not been forgiven and forgotten by him. I traced those chips to Texas where I lost the trail.

Why you ask am I sharing this history. It is because I intend to post several "new" observations. They do not necessarily involve our organization but probably pertain more to what takes place on this board and our hobby in general.

Over the weeks to come I am going to cover many topics. I am going to write about what I believe to be serious problems facing our hobby and how we interact with one another to resolve them. I have earned my right to express my opinions and rest assured they are founded in fact. I have no hidden agenda nor secret motivations. I am just a collector like you and want the best for our hobby and organization. I also, as I stated 10 years ago, have no desire to run for office.

I am hoping my work will allow me the time to say what I believe is needed to be said.

I probably will hurt a few feelings and piss others off. I'm sorry - but some things MUST be said!

I'll be back soon.
Best, Jim Perlowski

Messages In This Thread

Re: Observations
Go for it!
Mr. Perlowski...I haven't been a member
I look forward to your observations. grin
Re: Observations
Here is the link to the "Perlowski Files"!
Hey Mr. "P"! grin
Re: Observations

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