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The Chip Board Archive 11

Re: Jim is correct ....
In Response To: Jim couldn't be more wrong ()

Joe Pavlik didn't post a freedom of speech OPINION.... he posted a vicious RUMOR that some dealer(s) told him the Building Fund was a SCAM.

I don't want the names of the dealers (if they exist)... but if ANYONE has any FACTS supporting the rumor that a SCAM is being perpetuated upon the club membership, please email me privately. I've personally contributed several hundreds of dollars to the building fund to date and I don't appreciate being taken for a "SCAM" ride. So to those who have allegedly confided in Joe Pavlick ... please confide in me and I'll expose the bas*tards who are spreading these unfounded rumors.

My daddy told me that "any jackass can kick down a barn ... it's quite another matter to build one". mad

Messages In This Thread

posting of names for bashing the building fund
Re: posting of names for bashing the building fund
Re: posting of names for bashing the building fund
Freedom of Speech
Re: posting of names for bashing the building fund
You Talkin About Me Jim? grin
Jim couldn't be more wrong
...that you, al?
Re: ...that you, al?
Re: Jim is correct ....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg