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The Chip Board Archive 11

Re: posting of names for bashing the building fund

Because there seems to be a bit of a problem telling the difference, let me say, up front, that this is not an attack on you, but a discussion of the ideas you have presented.

My comments were about stupid acts not stupid people. One doesn't have to look too far to see brilliant people doing stupid things.

They were about ignorant statements not ignorant people. Ignorant means uninformed and to post unsupported gossip as fact is not only ignorant but also irresponsible.

As for an apology -- I have not engaged in an ad hominum attack -- the poster claimed "scam" on the leaders of this Club, not me. If he is offended that I attack his ideas, then perhaps he should think them through next time.

I will continue to vehemently defend the honesty and good intentions of my committee and the Board when we are subjected to such attacks. However, I will attempt to be more diplomatic in the future. After driving 20 hours from Las Vegas, over 2 days, my hot button was a little too exposed. grin

Messages In This Thread

posting of names for bashing the building fund
Re: posting of names for bashing the building fund
Re: posting of names for bashing the building fund
Freedom of Speech
Re: posting of names for bashing the building fund
You Talkin About Me Jim? grin
Jim couldn't be more wrong
...that you, al?
Re: ...that you, al?
Re: Jim is correct ....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg