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The Chip Board Archive 11

New Nevada Gaming Token Reference

Vince and Bettye Mowery (R0360 and R0360A) have updated their catalog of Nevada gaming tokens. This has been the only retail price list I'm aware of for this collectible and it's great to see a new version available. It includes only those tokens that Vince had available for sale at the time of publication and covers 175 pages in a spiral bound book. This time there are a number of token photos (in b/w and at 80% size), and as before, O'Neal catalog numbers are used for each item. For color tokens collectors, there are few on the cover to whet your appetite.

If you collect gaming tokens or are considering it, I highly recommend you buy a copy. You can contact the authors at:

B & V Coins
Box 750774
Las Vegas, NV 89103-0774

(702) 658-5417

Copyright 2022 David Spragg