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The Chip Board Archive 11

Archie, that is very thoughtfull of you!
In Response To: 2004 Banquet Chip ()

I don't understand "personalized". Does that mean you will sign them? vbg

Since I was there, and already have one, but I'd still like to help the Building Fund, I will pay for one and now make it available to the first correct respondant who WAS NOT AT THE CONVENTION, to this question....

Your shipment contained an error chip (actually two, I believe). Each had the image of one side printed on both sides, i.e., one with AC on both sides and one with Las Vegas on both sides.

But my challenge is... Name the Club member who is in possesion of at least one of those error chip, if not both.

Jim Follis

Messages In This Thread

2004 Banquet Chip
Re: 2004 Banquet Chip
Re: 2004 Banquet Chip
Archie, that is very thoughtfull of you!
Gene Trimble!
That would have been my guess
Ding, ding, ding...I have a winner....
Re: Jeff Buckner is donating too!
Re: Bob Touts is donating $10 for a chip!!
Re: My $10 is on the Way...
Re: Chuck Smorse is matching Bob Touts' $10
Re: Trimble matches Smorse & Touts' 10 spot.
Re: Trimble "TOPS" Smorse & Touts' with $11 spot.
Re: Charles Turner is sending $35 to BF for chips!
Re: Damon Roberts is sending $20 for two chips!
Re: Jeff Buckner at $14 tops all...
YES - $20
Re: YES - $20
Re: Archie, I'm Sorry...
Re: YES - $20
Re: Gene Trimble! - Duh!!!!
Re: Archie, that is very thoughtfull of you!
Re: Archie, that is very thoughtfull of you!
I also wanted to say...
Re: 2004 Banquet Chip
Re: 2004 Banquet Chip
Re: 2004 Banquet Chip

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