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The Chip Board Archive 11

My best "find" was discovering that

I had a more enjoyable time working as a volunteer than I could have imagined. When you're looking for chips, you don't really get to meet people other than the dealers. I had an absolute blast working the Club Promo table and the Building Fund table because I got to work with the greatest people (Tyrus, Katie, Rick Miner, Murph, Bob Bickford, Ralph, Paul Donohue...) but it also gave me an opportunity to meet so many of the people that both post on this forum and those that I've done business with over the past years.

That was my biggest and best "find". If allowed to, I hope to do it all again next year!! grin Steve B

Messages In This Thread

LV Conventioneers....What was your best find??!
Re: LV Conventioneers....What was your best find??
My best "find" was discovering that
Re: LV Conventioneers....What was your best find??
Re: LV Conventioneers....What was your best find??
vbg Thanks, Jim...back atcha!! vbg
Chip-wise, my best find was getting
Re: I Found...
grin Very well said, Gene. grin
Hear Hear
Re: Hear Hear
My wife's best find... sad

Copyright 2022 David Spragg