David wrote.......
"Not only are they 2 of the 3 that were ridiculed on thursday but the fat one hasn't even changed his shirt. Therefore he must be holding his arm up to empty the room.
We will have to speak to the webmaster about censoring photgraphs of ugly people in future."
The two people you are talking about, David, in the picture Mike posted are Dick Covington & Greg Susong. Both are friends of mine & both have done so much for the hobby & the it would take too long for me to even post it here. In addition, Greg is the one who is responsible for you being able to make your post & also the one who put up the Web cam you have been watching! If all you can come up with to say is what is above then maybe Greg should not even bother with a Web cam next year! Your comments were out of line.
Andy - Las Vegas