The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 11

It's 1:30 am and all's well

Hi all!

I thought I was going to turn in early tonight but I have found my way to the board....while surfing the TV here at the hotel I found that I could log on to the internet!! I figured since it was through the hotel TV it would be a high speed connection... rofl It has taken about 30 minutes to scroll through 20-30 messages (without reading any of them) and to get back up to the top of the page! They must be using carrier pidgeons to post this....the resolution on the TV is so bad that I can't tell if I have typos or is great isn't??!

A good time is being had by all....but tomorrow is the last day.... sad I guess it's time to sober up and come home... sad sad sad

Wish you could have all made it out here this's been a great convention!!


Copyright 2022 David Spragg