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The Chip Board Archive 11

Yo Tony!
In Response To: (Message Deleted by Poster) ()

I am guessing you've had a few drinks. I imagine a few don't miss me, so what. I am not in the club for a popularity contest. I call 'em like I see 'em and that rubs some the wrong way? Too bad!

Now get the facts right Tony, my boy. You had no complaint about the clock until you were offended by a post of mine. At that point, you demanded that I accept it as a return and refund your purchase price, including shipping! I think it was closer to 6 weeks rather than 14 days, so get the facts right Tony!

You NEVER asked that I "fix" it and I imagine that was because it wasn't broke. You complained that it looked bad and didn't keep time, etc. I put a fresh battery in it after you returned it and timed it over a week. It kept time just fine. Did you try a new battery before mailing back the item? Nope.

The dispute went in my favor for good reason: your claims had zero merit. Zero, zip, zilch, nada, naught.

How convenient that you failed to mention that even after I won the dispute on the facts, I offered to re-do the clock for you for free! You never bothered to respond to what I considered a very generous offer, since at that point I didn't owe you squat. I also made that offer before you asked for mediation. All you had to do was mail the chip.

Instead you and your wife went on an on about how looking at the clock made you sick and you simply didn't want it on your wall.

The truth is you wanted to make a statement as to what your opinion was of me. Great, I can respect that. Oh, but you wanted me to pay you to make that statement. LOL - some statement there Tony - it didn't even carry the conviction of $20.

Kicked out of the club? Gee what for? Disagreeing with somone's opinion? What kinda club would that be Tony?

Look - you're a sore loser, that's the bottom line. So get over it.

Can the 5th grade nonsense Tony, it makes you look foolish. Prepare your family for what attack? Man you love to see things that aren't there Tony, so just relax and get some sleep. Things will look better in the morning.

Messages In This Thread

Where is Sutton??
vbg OH BOY vbg
He is on the webcam.
Was that him?
I bet he is "In a Far Away Land" again,,,,,
Yes it actually was.
He and...
I smell a Lawsuit coming for you now!
NO MIKE!!!!!!!!!!! vbg
Pete the ACLU guy? Defender of the criminal Pete?
Re: He and...
(Message Deleted by Poster)
Yo Tony!
(Message Deleted by Poster)
Dude - take a breath!
(Message Deleted by Poster)
Re: Dude - take a breath!
I am glad....
Thanks Ed
Re: Thanks Ed
Re: Thanks Ed
Last Call
Re: Last Call

Copyright 2022 David Spragg