Bob, if I try and sell you a "chicken leg," wouldn't you expect it came from a chicken? How about a "Moon rock"? Would you expect it came from the Moon, or would it be okay with you if I simply picked it up out of my back yard?
Again - if it's a "casino chip" what casino is it from Bob? If it's not from a casino, it can not possibly be a freaking "casino chip," plain and simple Bob. It's not a difficult concept to grasp. If my logic is faulty, please clear up my error. I'd be happy to hear how it can be what it's decribed as!
Using the description "casino chip" is clearly misleading, which is why Peter agreed to cease the practice pursuant to an ethics claim. So much for what you think. Others think differently and for good reason!
Practices like that reflect poorly on each and every member of the club. A member intentionally misleading buyers, period! Using the description "casino chip" clearly implies it IS from a casino - how you could argue otherwise is beyond me Bob.
Describing it accurately as a "poker chip," "fantasy chip" or something along those realistic lines would be honest. So why is that such a burden for Peter?
Maybe you missed it Bob, but Peter persists with his macho, egotistic - "I'll see you soon, big man" nonsense that is calculated to strike fear into me. On top of that he made vulgar and defamatory sexual insinuations. Now what pupose does that serve - go ahead and explain it to me as I am eager to hear. Take Peter's side, but cover all the bases. Don't conveniently skip anything that would reflect poorly on him - do a complete job.
Terrorist? Gee that word gets a lot of use these days. What should I do, spend my time and money flying to Vegas so I can tell Peter he's a bait-and-switch artist that also lists garbage 60 cent chips as "casino chips"? He knows it's misleading, which is why he agreed to cease the practice. Why else would he stop? because he admires me so much?
You saying if you have a problem with the way GM or Ford does business, you'd fly to Detroit and tell them face-to-face? Come on now Bob, get real.
Now it looks like you have a problem with me Bob, so you are now in the position of heeding your own advice. Fly to Baltimore and tell me face to face "otherwise, shut your f-ing pie hole." Hey, that's your own advice in your words; I am simply repeating them to you. Seems a little different now that you'll have to spend the time, money and energy to come on out and see me, huh Bob?
You see Bob, the closer you stand to reality, the clearer things become. So what flight will you be on?
As I recall, you made a lot of wild claims about me hacking your laptop, sending you virius-laden emails and just about everything but being on the grassy knoll.
Did you fly out to make those claims face-to-face? I don't recall seeing you in town; however, I do remember you making a public retraction when you came to your senses.
Now how many "moon rocks" should I put you down for? I'll bring them to the airport and meet your flight
And as far you calling me a jerk, what's that all about? You have to resort to name-calling? Try and follow the issue and address that Bob.
Let's see - I have a problem with a chip seller who pulled a bait-and-switch on me. Oh yeah - I also have a problem with a club member selling "casino chips" that aren't from, have never seen, and were never intended for use in a casino. Right . . . . OK . . . . well if that makes me a jerk, then I'll wear that name like a badge of honor.
Now what name would you find fitting for Peter, seeing as he remarked "blow me," "eat me" and seeks to silence my perfectly valid criticism by saying "see you soon, big man." Come on now Bob, if I am a jerk, surely you can come up with a fitting name for Peter.
Well take your time - I guess you can think it over on your flight out to see me.
Later Bob.
P.S. Ever get the laptop working again? What WAS the problem? Guess you never could quite put your finger on it and had to rebuild the thing huh?