"I think you need to realize that car jockey is about the level to which you will rise in life Pete and I'm sure that can be frustrating. But let's face facts Pete - it's no accident that you hold that particular station."
"Others don't want to be attacked by you, but that kind of stuff really shows your true colors. It is profane, abusive and designed to silence criticism..."
...things that make you go "hmmmm".
"If those garbage things you are listing are actually "Casino Chips," what casino are they from Peter?"
I'd think that until eBay opens a category for fantasy chips, listing one of those without claiming that it actually came from a casino is about all one could do. Perhaps "fantasy Casino Chip" would be more to your liking. ...I wouldn't care if you liked it or not, but that's just me.
"Keep another thing in mind Peter; I know what you look like, but you haven't a clue what I look like, so all the threatening talk about meeting up with me at the convention is about as foolish as your business practices. So maybe when you're at the convention and you catch the stare of someone you don't know, just take a minute to think who it is. When you take a walk to the bathroom and someone is behind you, just think about whom exactly that might be."
Terrorists rely on being able to place fear in others by virtue of not being known to an unsuspecting, or innocent, potential victim. If you have a problem with anyone, be real enough, be honest enough, to confront them face-to-face should you find yourself in proximity of that person. Otherwise, shut your f-ing pie hole.