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The Chip Board Archive 11

More Airtites for Sale or Trade

I have 3 lots of airtites/cases to trade or sell; first email in any case gets 'em. Please specify what lot you want, and we'll talk if you want to trade!

Lot 1: 13 silver strike cases($10 size). Condition on all of these is USED-some are ok, some are not. These are what the strikes come in out of the machine. Send me a buck or a chip for postage.

Lot 2: 5 silver strike airtites, black foam rings, these fit in the display cards so they're slightly bigger than the regular size cases. None of them ever used (cuz I ordered the wrong ones!) I'd either trade for 5 direct-fit, same display size ss airtites, OR two $1 chips, OR you can have them for $2.

Lot 3: 8 airtites with black rings, never used, for chips. The regular 39 mm or the 40 mm chip will fit in these. I'll trade for three $1 chips, or you can send me $3.

Posting this on the strike board also. Thanks!

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Copyright 2022 David Spragg