Today's selection is sure to be an eye popper and needs no introduction! It is a 1934 issue 1,000 Dollar note featuring Grover Cleveland. In 1928 the United States went to a 'small note' (the size we use today) prior to that they were larger and called 'saddle blanket' notes because they were so large. Also during this time (1928) the country went to FRN or Federal Reserve Notes, we had gotten off the gold and silver standards and the money was backed only by the peoples confidence in the government. I am often asked. “What was the biggest US Note?" In 1934 the US issued $100,000 for bank-to-bank transactions ONLY, $10,000, $5,000, $1,000, $500, $100, $50, $20, $10, & $1 dollar notes. 1934 would prove to be the last year of the BIG denomination notes (above $100). Interestingly enough at a time when $100 was equal to a month or more's wages the US issued notes worth many times one's life savings yet now when a $100 will seldom make it through the daily debits it is the LARGEST note printed. WHY, you ask? The reason is simple, in 1934 people did not have credit cards or use credit like we do today. We were a cash based society then, today we seldom use cash for purchases over $40 according to the BEP studies, and instead we write a check or flip out a credit card. For safety we seldom carry much cash. Also, the government is opposed to printing the larger notes, as it would facilitate drug traffic. Today if you have one of these tucked away the government will guarantee it for $1,000 dollars OR a collector would pay $1,250 ~ $2,000 depending on condition. Sorry for the long winded description...... Enjoy!