I dont know you personally so I cant make any judgements about your ethics. I do however know that you have been made aware of the misrepresentations in your auctions (at least the Tropicana one) over the last several days if not earlier. However I noticed this morning when I looked at the auction, it has not been revised even minimaly to reflect the now KNOWN current value. Now people are free to list items on Ebay with any description they wish and throw around values and words like "Rare" and "Scarce" as commonplace. In my book, knowing that a value is incorrect after it has been pointed out to them, and doing nothing about changing the description is flat out deceptive. There is no difference in what you are doing in this auction and a person who lists a fantasy chip as a real one and then refuses to change his description even after being made aware of the fact.
Just my humble opinion.
Doug (R3209)