Maybe they were shill bidding and it sure seems like 6 went to 2 so i say the guy is misleading with his listings. Agreed! Now Mike has been taking the attitude that he is as clean as the driven snow but if you look at his auctions he always quotes a book that is 4 years out of date. How can a seller uise a book so out of touch with reality when the newest book is widely available. in this case he is listing a chip value of 450 when TCR lists it at 50-59. from TCR it seems as if someone made a find of 100 chips so the rarity value is shot and the value of the chip is 50 NOT 450. can anyone here ignore this? it is absiloutley a false listing and anyone here with a tcr knows it. his a$$ should be kicked out (if hes a member) for using a value book that is not even close to reality. No matter what went on with the other sepreate deal on shil bidding if it was you have to see that mike isn't the honest and upstanding guy he makes himself out to be.