An apologetic announcement:
All tours of downtown Las Vegas Casinos conducted by the editor and publisher of Chip Chat, Douglas Saito, have been cancelled. Tuesday's tour of June 15th had to be cancelled because of a conflict in scheduling, and all tours on Sunday, June 20, had to be cancelled because of an underwhelming response.
However, many of those old downtown casinos and clubs that Doug would have pointed out to you in a tour will now be seen and talked about on Monday night, June 14, when Doug is scheduled to be the guest speaker at the regular club meeting of Las Vegas chip and token collectors. Thanks to graphics supplied by Dick Covington, education director for the CC>CC national convention, rare photos of downtown casinos will be presented along with Doug's narrative of casino histories. Those great photos and great stories of casinos and their owners should make it a night Vegas chippers will never forget.
The June 14th meeting of the Las Vegas chip and token collectors will be held on the third floor of the Las Vegas Club in downtown Las Vegas. The meeting starts at 7:00 p.m., and the pre-meeting with Douglas Saito starts around 6:00 p.m. in the back bar of the Las Vegas Club.