I'm a SUCKER for kids. The SPECIAL note is a STAR note. A Star note is a replacement note for when the Bureau of Printing and Engraving damages notes or sheets of notes. The serial numbers must be recorded as 'damaged' and this leaves a skip in the series, so a serial number using the same number but replacing the last letter with a STAR denotes it is a replacement note to fill the skip in the numbering sequence. These usually get noticed at the bank or early in circulation and are pulled out by collectors.
I have 10 of these and will send ONE per person. All you have to do is post a picture of your kid, grandkid and give name and age. THEN email your address for the note to be sent. I will send one to the KID! It will be in a sleeve and the serial numbers are in sequence SO you will know who has the brothers & sisters of YOUR Star Dollar! I will mail them in order of the POSTS on the board, starting with the serial number shown...... So let's see those kids!