Norman - why attack me - I am just pointing out the obvious. Maybe you're a bit testy after the move that wasn't very smooth. I can understand that. Free listings for the month is a nice touch, but really you have some problems that need to be addressed right away.
Answer All problems are being addressed. It takes time to correct some problems. Sometimes a lot longer than you or I would like.
You saying that logging in 3x is an accepted practice? Get serious and address the issue instead of wise-cracking it off. It's been going on for some time. I didn't ask about it for a while because you moved the site to another server. They are both IIS, so why has it been so out of whack for all this time?
Answer Have you tried to contact anyone at Jackpot Auctions about your problem or was this your first effort. I don’t have that problem and probably most others don’t either.
Gee - uh my home PC isn't like that, my work PC isn't, eBay isn't, Yahoo isn't . . . actually nobody but JPA is. Hmmmm maybe they have something there and you should try and duplicate it.
So why do you have to keep logging in at JPA? You never did answer that simple question.
Answer I really liked the log in feature that was lost during the server migration. It is a pain in the butt having to log in all the time. It will be back.
Hey - I just thought of a novel approach - why don't you actually fix it?
AnswerEasier said than done.
And hey while you're at it - fix the serious flaw of having the userID and password appear in the URL when you print out or visit "My Page" to see what items you are watching.
Here's a fix - store the information in a session ID, server side. Real simple, real effective. Would you like me to code it for you too?
I never even tried coding in PERL, but hey - how hard can it be?
Ok - now admit you are really upset that the move still haunts JPA and after a lengthy time period, you still haven't got the thing straightened out.
Answer Yes I am upset. Not for me but for the faithful Jackpot users.
Devote your energy to fixing the problem, not attacking the person who simply points it out. It needs to be fixed, so I am pointing it out. Don't like that? Tough luck. I can crack wise too friend.
Answer I could devote the rest of my lifetime energy and couldn’t fix it. I am like Henry Ford who said, “If you don’t know what you are doing, surround yourself with people who do.” I have a brilliant computer whiz kid who will eventually solve all the existing problems.
It's my fondest wish that JPA should prosper and TKO eBay as the premiere chip auction site; however making a user log in 3 times is a big step backwards.
Answer It's my fondest wish that JPA should prosper and TKO FeeBay as the premiere chip auction site, too.
I sincerely hope you do get it fixed and my offer to help is in earnest.
Answer I sincerely hope DJ gets it fixed and my offer to help is useless.