Vic, you've got some nerve, and I really can't understand what could possibly be going through your mind (if anything) by offering trades on this board, while you refuse to make good on your previous swindles at the expense of people who regularly post on this board. Do you really have that little regard for your own reputation? I'm sure you'll get trade offers from people who don't know your shady habits, but you're getting much fewer offers than you would get if you were more above-board. You have an open chance to make good with Charles Kaplan by sending six chips to replace the lesser-condition chips you pawned off, and you would gain a supporter, a trading partner, and (frankly) an apology all from me if you refunded the extra postage charges you gouged on 9 casino chips. But for six chips and about twelve bucks, you'd rather keep your reputation as it is - a swindler who just "doesn't get it." If that's the case, then I'll feel free to remind everyone that you shipped nine chips to me for $16.62 even though the actual postage was $1.29, you refused eBay's Square Deal arbitration, and you philosophy is nothing more than "Get over it" - paraphrasing National Lampoon's Animal House, "You f*cked up - you trusted us."
Would you at least explain why you feel you have no responsibility to make good on your previous bad deals?