a slab is a slab.
Any attempt at the grading companies to get a foot in the door will sooner or later gain some acceptance.
The only thing the slab is for is to increase the price of something,
and only to denote a special feature of the item encased.
From what, I've been reading, I do NOT believe that this Fitzgerald set will be graded. Just slabbed to be certified that they came from this specific hoard.
For example, the Glenna Goodacre artist who created the Sacagawea dollar, was paid her commission of $5,000 with specially produced Sacagawea Dollars which she had slabbed by ICG but these coins were NOT graded but were sold for $200.00 each.
There is one of these Goodacre dollars on e-Bay currently with a buy it now price of $495.00
I can only wait to see what these Fitzgerald Hoard Sets to retail for when first offered, even if NOT graded but only slabbed.