I don't have a scan to show you, because my roomate is too busy playing his stupid computer game to let me use the scanner. But I think ya'll know what they look like.
I just completed The People's Choice.
It's taken me nearly a year to put the collection together. All the chips were bought on . Total purchase price for the collection comes in at under $85.00, excluding S&H.
I wanted to get the nicest chips I could, so I waited, and waited, resisting my impulse Bid Now urge!
Though I'm still maintaing my larger collection, I decided to start a Mini-Collection. This collection consists of closed casinos who had a small number of issued chips. The exception to this collection is my fascination for The Gold Spike. I don't know why, but this nasty, little, casino where watching the crazy people is as much fun as playing the slots, intrigues me.
Actually The People's Choice is my second casino, my 1st. being The World Trade Center, but I didn't count that one as it never opened.