Seeing the outfit that Archie wore to the first convention in the picture that Janice posted, as well as seeing pictures of C.T. Rodgers in his tophat, started me thinking.
I'm thinking of trying to make some chip hats to wear to the convention. I haven't started serious design work yet, but I'm thinking something along the lines of the hat that Speedy Alka-Seltzer wore. You can't see the face of Speedy's "chip", but imagine a nice, big arodie sitting up there.
My question is this: Would any of my fellow convention-attendees be willing to wear one of these hats along with me, providing I can make them? If I can make them easily enough, I'll trade one for a few chips or for enough cash to cover the cost of materials.
Anybody interested? Or, should we make this a contest to design (and wear on the showroom floor) the coolest chip hat?